Euphrates Distribution BIZ
We have made available a local distribution business opportunity, for you to start your own independent distribution company in association with Euphrates cosmetics.

You can kick start your distribution biz with a minimum starting capital of R 6 300 and make a sizable profit, between 25% and just above 35% profit, with the support of Euphrates "my customer support system" which help you kick start your business by tapping into our existing customer base in your area. Euphrates Distribution Biz is a guaranteed profitable business that does not limit you to distributing our products.

Benefits of starting your own Distribution Biz;
1. Distribute a results driven products. 2. Gain reoccurring customers (monthly clientele). 3 Euphrates redirect all the customer who come to them from your area to you with my customer support system. 4. Euphrates advertise for you in your area. 5. Flexible hours, product knowledge support and business growth support
More information is available on our website, you can download the distributors form on line. We want to see your distribution biz grow until you open your own Euphrates concept store.
Please note we only have limited space. We still want to keep Euphrates an exclusive, effective and reliable brand to allow all our distribution partners to get value for their investment.